Sunday, June 29, 2008

Same Ole Same Ole

I felt like i wanted to post about our sat ride.Knowing i still need to report on the tour which i will do as time allows! Sat morning we gathered @ Panera and decieded we just ride the trail for a out and back 20 m. Seems easy right??? 8 riders and 3 flats later. We rode 20 m!! How is it a team of 15 riders the week before ride in the

MS Bike Tour: and log over a 1000 miles as a team with no flats and we get on our home trail and we cant go 20 m??? Anyone else ever have this problem????

We had a new rider join us this week Michael Higgins a friend of John's and owner of Maldner's downtown....MMMMM i wonder at this pace if he will join us again??? Hey Scott if John wasnt so busy pulling weeds or ordering me to pull weeds maybe he would of seen your keys fall out of your bike???? All in All it felt great to be back on the bike!!! Now Terry butter up and get back out here!!!!!!

I did learn one thing on the ride today!!!! Michael had a co2 air pump... Thinking i need one of those??????Hint Hint team if you want me to change your tire's maybe buy your captain a little gift????
Okay if your wondering the picture has nothing to do with my story!!! Just wanted you to see how cool our tent looked from last week!!! Thanks to Ann Coombe!!!


Brenda said...

Michael I hope you come back again! I promise its not usually like that! omg - can't believe we had three flats before we hit Chatham. Sorry yes and two were me!! Sorry Ray :( Thank you for fixing them for me! Thank you too Scott! I know next time we're out its not me buying a round of ML - I'll buy a round of tubes!!!

Brenda said...

Great song :)