Thursday, April 17, 2008


We meet at corner pub@ 6pm for a ride!! Or was it to fight the wind??? Shannon was calling saying to wait for her.... she spent the day @ the cards game did she really want to ride or was she tipsy??
Anyway Trudy,Brenda and Ann Robert showed up for the ride. Or should i say... Ringer showed up.... Yes talking about you!!! got out of the saddle and killed the hill and left me gasping for air nice work!! We rolled to a stop light and she looks back at me and sez ..i love hills!!! Really couldnt tell you left the pack and made your own path..... Nice work!! Heals your going to have your hands full she the real deal!!!!
At the end of the day we killed 12 m on a great nite!!! feel free to come join us!!!

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