Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Where is everybody??? MMMMM!!! Is everybody sandbaging miles???Dont worry i will still post even if no one show's up!!!Tues nite ride: Started with me and Dodie put she peeled out and went home after 4m!! Brenda decided to walk in the park!!Everytime i passed her she was talking to a guy with a dog!! Thinking maybe she was looking for a love conection??
At the end of the ride i logged 10 m and felt good to be on the bike!
Thur i will log miles leaving from Corner Pub,Then inside to watch some playoff hockey!
Whose in!!!!!

Lonely Rider


Brenda said...
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Anonymous said...

We are babysitting this week and I'm off to Europe on Saturday. So my bike is on the rack until I return.